The weathervane and decorative finials are strike protection devices.
Certified installers add value to your home
Click to see customized, zig-zag air terminals.
Lightning protection is not a do-it-yourself job.
Preserving historic homes for future generations.
Air terminals have to be at the highest part of a building.
Your home shelters you from extreme weather, including snowstorms and thunderstorms.
Even a modest house should have an affordable lightning protection system
It was easy to retrofit this existing house with lightning protection.
Air terminals penetrate through roof to cables in attic.
Lightning melted the air terminal's tip but the house stayed protected.
Down conductors can be mounted on back side of chimney.
Don't let lightning ruin a vacation at the beach.
Solar collectors built into roof are protected against lightning.
Modern architectural styling can incorporate lightning protection system.
Lightning protection has helped this grand estate survive the decades.
Multifamily dwellings need lightning protection, too.
Air terminals are the perfect way to top-off an American Foursquare style home
Bungalow in Bahamas
Cable neatly installed in corner.
Chimneys may require several air terminals.
Conductor cable clamped to reinforcing bar in concrete footing.
Copper conductor cable will be concealed by finishes.
Down conductor will be hidden behind facing.
Ground rod buried at corner of house.
Lightning conductor cable attached to grounding rod.
Lightning conductor cable hidden behind downspout.
Lightning conductor cable in attic.
Lightning conductor cable in wood framing.
Lightning conductor cables in exposed crawl space.
Lightning protection requires a complete system.
Make it a tradition to use lightning protection on traditional-style homes
Steel column used as down conductor.
Smokestack Claver et al Exterior
The cost per unit to install lightning protection is usually less in multifamily housing than it is in single family homes.
A family's home is its castle
Air terminals mounted on top of metal roof